True Blood Graphic Novel "All Together Now" Book Signing

For people who don't know me, I am huge True Blood fan! I got to meet the cast at last year's SDCC but I just can't seem to get enough of these love to hate vamps, shapeshifters and werewolves. The cast members that were to show up for the meet and greet book signing on February 26, 2011 at the Grove, in Los Angeles Barnes & Noble Bookstore were Sam Trammell who's character is Sam Merlotte: shape-shifter & bar owner, Deborah Ann Woll as Jessica Hamby: newborn vampire, Rutina Wesley as Tara Thornton: human & best friend to Sookie Stackhouse, and Nelsan Ellis as Lafayette Reynolds: gay cousin to Tara, & cook for Merlotte's Bar & Grill. Unfortunately Nelsan did not make it for this event which made many Trubies very upset, me included since I got up at 3:30 am, went to go pick up a friend at 5:30am, drove an hour and a half, arrived to the bookstore by 7am...waited for the store to open at 10am to receive the wristbands and purchase the graphic novels, then waited in yet another line to have them signed. What an ordeal you say? Shoot, anything for True Blood, that's how much I love them as well as 8 million other Trubies who watch them religiously every Sunday night.

I was happy to hear from the HBO people that we were allowed to photograph them as they were arriving and also while they were at the table signing, but we were not allowed to take photos with them. Darnit! I couldn't get any photos with the cast at Comic Con so this was very disappointing, but oh well I had to deal with it. We were allowed to get a maximum of six books signed by each of them so I took advantage and got one each for my cousin, two brothers and two for my good friend supafly hehe! I think everybody who arrived, which only the first two-hundred early birds were able to participate in the meet and greet autograph session bought six books each. Rutina, Sam & Deborah were all so very gracious and signed without rushing. They took their time and spoke to each and everyone of us answering questions we may have had about the novel and especially about the upcoming season 4.

After my meet and greet, HBO handed grab bags which was an actual True Blood gift bag with the Tru:Blood beverage inside! WOW, I have never tasted this soda pop before so it was pretty exciting i must say. It had an orangey-citrus flavor to it, not too sweet but tasty. After I drank it I of course washed it well and saved the bottle, it makes for a very nice conversation piece, haha. Ok now for some even more good stuff that happened. I for some reason was picked out of the couple hundred people there to be interviewed by HBO! What did they ask you might say? Well let me see if I can refresh my memory. They asked me if I actually read comics, I said yes. I love comic books especially Green Lantern, Thor, Iron Man, X-Men, Captain America etc. They asked me what it is about True Blood that I liked. I said that I absolutely love the whole supernatural genre of vampire, werewolves, fairies and shape-shifters. They asked me how early I got up to come there today for the event and told them 3:30, They asked me who my favorite characters were on the show and I of course said Eric & Alcide! Well I also added Sookie and Bill because they are the main characters of the televison show, so I had to mention them as well. But for all intense purposes I love Eric and Alcide because they make my heart palpatate. During this whole interview my friend took photos of me during and after because who really gets to be on HBO? Yes they did have me sign a waiver stating they could use any portion of my interview for promotion purposes.

When I told all my friends and family what had just happened, they were all so very happy and excited for me because they know how star-struck i get around celebrities, and not only that get to actually speak on all Trubies behalf about True Blood. Yes I will be getting my 2 minutes of fame on HBO if that!


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