Comic Con: Syfy/EW party

With Comic Con selling out in record time, and stars flocking to the scene, think there's nothing left if you can't get into the show. Wrong. There are plenty of things to do outside of the convention, and plenty of exclusive parties, that if you can't crash, the next best thing is to just stand outside and see the stars as they enter. One of the hottest parties is the Syfy/EW party. And I think that the pictures speak for themselves. A little courtesy, saying please and thank you go a long way, know their real names, don't shout out character names, and if you're not lucky enough to get to the front, don't bend the the girl in front of you over the bars in desperation for a picture, or a certain thunder god may ask security to move you back so he can take a picture with her.

And some stars need a little extra incentive to come. After one fan said Jensen never takes pictures with fans during these things. Getting all the girls around to chant "Jensen, Jensen," apparently changed his mind and scored me a photo.

The cast of True Blood of course made their appearance, and they are one of the nicest groups, making sure that all their fans got to take pictures. With the exception of Joe Manganiello, who seemed to be dragged inside by his girlfriend, skipping all fans. But Nelsan Ellis more than made up for his snub, by stopping for fan pictures and autographs between phone calls and breaks from the party.
The guys from Always Sunny in Philadelphia had to wait a little while because the party was at max capacity, but that didn't stop them from hamming it up with their fans. Charlie Day jumped over multiple barriers, making his handlers extra nervous, but only drew more love from the crowd for it.

Thomas Jane was one of few that didn't stop and take pictures with fans on the way in, but after spending only minutes inside, he came out and gave his fans some one on one time.
While Ryan McPartlin stopped and took pictures on his way in and out, finding it hard to say no to anyone who asked nicely for a picture. For more photos check out our Flickr Album!


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