"The Following" SDCC 2014 Interviews

FOX's The Following stars Kevin Bacon as FBI agent Ryan Hardy, whose life has been turned upside down in the pursuit of the devilishly charismatic cult-leader Joe Carroll, played by James Purefoy. He is assisted in his investigation by up-and-comer FBI agent Mike Weston, played by Shawn Ashmore. Ryan Season 2 introduced psychopathic twins Luke and Mark, played by Sam Underwood, and Ryan's niece Max, played by Jessica Stroup. At SDCC, we sat down with Kevin Bacon, Shawn Ashmore, Sam Underwood, Jessica Stroup, and executive producers Marcos Siega, and Jennifer Johnson to gain insight to this gripping drama and get the scoop on what's in store for Season 3.

Marcos Siega says that Season 3 will jump ahead a year, following the events of Season 2, and that it will indeed be a new start for Ryan Hardy. Jennifer Johnson teases that we just might get to see Kevin Bacon dance! Joe Carroll will play into the season prominently but perhaps not in the way that we are expecting. Max will have excruciating decisions to make this season, as being the moral centre is never an easy time.

SDCC-newcomers Jessica Stroup and Sam Underwood share their perspective on their first time visiting Comic Con, and visiting the fans that had camped out the night before. Sam says that he asks the show-runners as many questions about his characters and the show as possible before they'll stop answering. Jessica is excited about the direction of the writing this year and Sam shares that Mark will be in a completely different environment and through flashbacks, we will see how he got to that place.

Kevin Bacon says that it's fascinating to explore the morally grey area of the characters and the difficulties they face working in law enforcement. Shawn Ashmore says that the violence the characters react with seems perfectly natural when looking at the traumas they face. Kevin teases about Ryan's new love interest and the determination he has to stay away from Joe Carroll and all the followers. Kevin feels that Ryan has gotten closer to being able to be a happy person and Shawn says he feels that Mike and Max's relationship will not be an easy one but that Mike will want to grasp on to something good in his life.

Season 3 of The Following will air in 2015.


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