Fan Made Marvel Vs. DC Trailer may be the best thing you see all day

Think of how excited you were when you first saw a Marvel tie in, or more so when the Avengers assembled. If you're a comic fan you were very much excited. News of Batman vs. Superman brought San Diego Comic Con's Hall H to its knees with howls of delight. But the one thing that may never come to fruition is a Marvel and DC crossover.

Before you scoff, think back to yester years, not all that many, but Marvel and DC crossovers in the comic world happened often and epically. Admittedly though those too have gone by the wayside, but a girl can dream.

Now one fan makes dreams a reality, by using footage from movies such as The Avengers, Fantastic Four, Man of Steel and Iron Man to television such as Arrow, The Flash and the rejected Wonder Woman pilot, and it is truly glorious. There's even a couple of shots from the game Injustice: Gods Among Us.

Alex Luthor ingeniously crafts a teaser that pits Superman against Thor, Batman against Iron Man, Quicksilver against the Flash, and that's just to name a few. The sad part is that this isn't actually coming out, but maybe that's a good thing. I'm not sure any of us are prepared for so much awesomeness on one screen. For now I would settle for a little Deadpool/Harley Quinn crossover.



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