Cloaks #04 Review

It's the final issue of Cloaks, and there is more action than ever. The stakes are high, as Adam and Evy are set to have their big showdown and Mariano Navarro continues to deliver incredible action-filled art in more bountiful quantity than any of the other issues before it. There's some intriguing revelations to be had too, courtesy of Caleb Monroe's highly meticulous writing that you'll just have to read to believe. Though this is the end of the series for now, this issue doesn't actually feel like an ending. There is plenty left open for the series to continue so if you enjoy what you read, you should absolutely tweet/write to Boom! Studios and let them know that you want another chapter in this David Henrie-created story. Many of the visual mediums, from film to television, have looked to comics for stories to adapt into live action content and were this series to continue, we could easily see it being adapted into a film or television series.

Order all four issues of the Cloaks series on the Boom! Studios website here.


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