Marvel's Cloak & Dagger S01E08 "Ghost Stories" Recap

Tandy visit Ivan, who is getting back on track after waking from his long catatonic state. Ivan shares how Nathan had hid away some evidence to clear their names in a secret safety deposit box. Ivan warns Tandy that Roxxon can be dangerous and he doesn't want his daughter or Tandy to be in danger.

The eight-year anniversary arrives of the rig explosion. Tandy visits her mother, expressing a desire to set aside time to remember Nathan together for the occasion. But first Tandy has her own mission to complete about infiltrating Roxxon to find her father's file. To start things off she visits Tyrone, who is remembering the death of Billy with his parents. They are all struggling to deal with the surge of emotions surrounding the tragedy. Before leaving, Tandy invites Tyrone to visit her and her mother later when they'll be remembering her father.

Secretly, Tandy has stolen Adina's access card which she uses to get into Roxxon. As for Tyrone, he is visited by O'Reilly, who warns him that Connors is hunting for him based on their past encounters and a composite sketch.

Tandy gets into Roxxon and retrieves Nathan's evidence, which she then uses to confront Scarborough, threatening him with exposure. He attempts to bribe her in exchange for the evidence but she rejects his offer, wanting to use it to legitimately clear her father's name.

Tyrone finishes his work on Billy's cloak, which he is able to use to get a better control over his powers. He orchestrates a plan with O'Reilly in which Tyrone uses the cloak and his powers to 'haunt' Connors in disguise as Billy's ghost. This escalates until Connors confesses to murdering Billy out loud, which allows O'Reilly to arrest him with the help of her boyfriend and fellow officer Fuchs.

Tyrone joins Tandy and Melissa for their memorial for Nathan, following the success of their respective missions. When the trio come together to hold hands, Tandy and Tyrone are able to enter Melissa's memories in which they discover that Nathan was abusive to her. Tandy is devastated by this revelation, and in turn decides to accept Scarborough's bribe and give up the evidence.

O'Reilly intends to further celebrate Connors' arrest by visiting Fuchs, but instead discovers his dead body shoved into a fridge.

Marvel's Cloak & Dagger airs on Thursdays on Freeform at 8/7c.


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