Artem Pivovarov Releases "Провинциальный" With Short-Film Music Video

Artem Pivovarov is arguably one of the most exciting performers in the Ukrainian music industry. With a seemingly endless supply of energy on stage, his signature moves include leaping from high places (and landing without injury), and generally bouncing around like a jumping bean. His sound borders on indie and mainstream, as he often borrows from various genres to make a sound all his own. Unsurprisingly, his music fully embraces the melancholic vibe that Eastern European music industries tend to favour. Most recently he has released a new single called "Провинциальный".

Watch the full "Провинциальный" music video here:

We had the opportunity to sit down with Artem before a club gig in Kyiv and got to learn a bit more about his musical origins, the creative process behind certain songs of his, whether he'd make music in English, and plenty more!

Watch our interview with Artem Pivovarov here:


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