Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. S4E16 "What If..." Recap

In the Framework, Daisy finds that she is in a relationship with Ward and that they work together for Hydra to hunt down Inhumans. She's also being referred to by her old name, Skye. May and Fitz are their commanding officers. May's defining tragedy never happened, as the young Inhuamn girl she was able to save and bring back to America eventually became a mass murderer that Hydra used as a means of rising to power. After Simmons rises from her grave, she races to find a way back to the city to reunite with Daisy, who is tasked with Ward to interrogate Vijay.

Simmons fights off some government agents and gets away with their car. Simmons tries to find Daisy, who is busy trying to maintain her cover and determine what is happening within Hydra. She tracks down Coulson and learns of how he is teaching a Hydra-approved curriculum that indoctrinates children into hating Inhumans. He doesn't believe her when she says they are all inside a virtual simulation so he calls Hydra to come after her. In this reality, Coulson never joined S.H.I.E.L.D.

Daisy learns that Hydra is going after Simmons and tries to get to her first. When she reaches her, Ward reveals himself to have followed and that he's actually a mole inside Hydra for the Resistance. He helps them get away from Hydra, and then Daisy tries to escape with Simmons. When they attempt to exit the Framework using the safeguard Simmons created, they find it has been blocked by Aida, who now entered the Framework acting as both the Director of Hydra and Fitz's lover. Daisy then goes to visit Coulson and much to both of their surprise, he remembers her name.

Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. airs on Tuesdays on ABC at 9/8c.


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