Hemlock Grove Season 1 Review

One does not simply watch Hemlock Grove without being drawn in by the enigmatic Roman Godfrey. He is spoiled rotten by his mother, and has a whole plethora of issues from not having been raised properly. He engages in self-destructive behaviour, ranging from drinking, smoking, sexual promiscuity, and cutting. But it's not so simple as to dismiss him as a narcissist with a silver spoon in his mouth. When he's not smirking, strutting, or sex-ing, there is an incredibly dark sadness about him. However, he also exhibits an incredible capacity to bestow love and tenderness to the few people whom he cherishes, in particular, his sister Shelley. But Roman Godfrey is just one of several complex, dynamic characters on this show.

Hemlock Grove and the characters in it are clouded in mystery. This mysterious quality continues to draw people in as the show goes on and even after the season finale, there are still several questions left unanswered. Admittedly, this isn't such a bad thing since the show has a second season expected to be released some time this year. The show is of a supernatural/horror genre but it is the compelling story and the manner in which various characters' dysfunctions and flaws are explored that makes the show worth watching over and over again. Hemlock Grove is woven together with shots that may be likened to abstract art that viewers may look upon for a significant amount of time, while hoping to unlock the mystery of what the artist was striving to convey. On top of the strong performances from the lead actors, some surprisingly hilarious one-liners, and solid special effects, Hemlock Grove is aesthetically beautiful.

The entire first season of Hemlock Grove is available for viewing on Netflix.


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