Megan Fox Joins TMNT

Sadly, this announcement isn't the worse news we've heard from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles front, can me even call them that since they're not teenagers, or mutants? But it looks like Megan Fox and Michael Bay will be teaming up again.

For a while, it seemed as though the only news about the proposed new take on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was about as welcome as someone pooping into their sewer living room. Fans were up in arms about proposed changes to the mythology, the writers kept changing and then it was delayed for yet more script work. Today, however, there was a much more surprising announcement: Megan Fox is on board.

“But!” we hear you cry, “good burghers of Empire! How can that be? Didn’t Fox and Bay have a huge falling out after Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen? With insults hurled back and forth?!” All of that is true, and please don’t call us burghers. It sounds rude.

Time, apparently, has healed the rift and Michael Bay Bay broke the news on his website with a basic announcement. “TMNT: we are bringing Megan Fox back into the family!”

The Hollywood Reporter has tapped its sources and discovered that Bay and his former Transformers leading lady reconciled over several meetings, and that Turtles director Jonathan Liebesman won her over with storyboards and descriptions of the film, which will blend humans such as Fox (playing roving reporter and Turtle pal April O’Neil) with motion-captured heroes in a half shell.

They’re still looking to return to our screens on May 16, 2014, so it would appear that everything is up and running again. We can’t help but think that Fox might not be seen as the ideal choice by many fans, however…



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