My First Jimmy Kimmel Live! VIP Experience

A friend of mine from high school has a hook-up to the Jimmy Kimmel Live! show in Hollywood, CA. so I thought I'd give him a call to see if he could get me in as a VIP. I finally saw him after 23 years and mind you we attended high school in Hawaii, so it was pretty cool that we both would end up here in Southern California. He set it up so I would attend a taping on March 31, 2011 with guests David Beckham, Wes Craven, and music band Sum 41 performing an outdoor concert right outside the studio. This VIP admittance would include access to the green room, with all its food and beverage amenities that were absolutely delicious, be a part of the audience for the live show, and also be the audience for the Sum 41 performance outside.
I didn't even think to look for the guests as they arrived because I was so caught up in the food, drinks and the excitement of it all just being there. One of the guys I met there told me he saw David Beckham arrive with his wife Victoria and one of their children. Man I wish I could have seen them in person, but I did take a mental note next time I'm here to sit close to the dressing room hall where the security stood.

So after eating and taking in the glamorous life, we were led into the audience area where we had to endure a comedian tell bad jokes and have a silly talent contest. We are not allowed to take photographs in the building at all so if you were caught I was told you may have to be escorted out. The girl sitting beside me decided to do some crazy chicken dance for the talent contest and her girlfriend decided to use her cell phone to take some photos. Yah, that didn't go well because the show's coordinator caught her and asked her to delete the photos. I was like, kick her ass out of here! Follow the rules just like everyone else for frak's sake right? Wrong.....this girl won a gift card to the apple store. How do you like them apples? They both should have been kicked out! oh well c'est la vie.

Now its time for David Beckham's appearance and he looked mighty dapper in a grey designer suit. I loved that his dress shirt was lavender, more men should wear colors like that it's sexy. He mostly talked about his family life, taking the kids to school everyday, of course a little about his soccer career, and his pregnant wife. They were still undecided on names for their unborn baby girl.

Next up Wes Craven! Gosh I've been watching his Nightmare On Elm Street movies since right after high school. Believe it or not me and my brothers, sister and cousins were so afraid of going to sleep fearing Freddy Krueger would kill us in a dream, that we would have to all sleep in one room with the lights on! Yah, we were young and naive what can I say. Nonetheless, we all still continued to watch all his Freddy Krueger movies for years. But tonight Wes Craven was not promoting Freddy but his new "Scream 4" flick. They showed a clip from the movie and I decided right then and there I would go out and watch it.

After the show and feeling satisfied with this experience we were led outside to the concert area. But before going into the arena i caught a glimpse of Guermo, his funny Mexican sidekick! I got so excited I asked him if i could take a photo with him, and of course he was more than happy to oblige. Yup Guermoooooo, he kind of makes the show funnier because of the crazy antics Jimmy makes him do!

Lastly, Jimmy Kimmel announced the rock band Sum 41 and that's when i could take a photo of him. I realized this during the taping but he looks a lot thinner in person than on television. Well you know the camera adds ten pounds right? After the the band played a few songs, it was time to go home. My feet were definitely killing me from the red,five inch platform heels I was wearing, but hey I wanted to look hot just in case David Beckham wanted to leave his wife for me. As we were leaving my cousin spotted a group of people huddled around someone so were rushed over. Good thing too because Wes Craven was signing autographs and taking photos with the fans! OMG.....I didn't have anything for him to sign but I did manage to take a couple photos of him. My cousin took one of me with him on my cell phone but my face came out a bit blurry, reminicent of a ghost. It so screams "I'm with Wes Craven" haha.... so yah I won't be posting that picture.


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