In Review: My Soul to Keep by Rachel Vincent

Released: 6/1/10 304 pages
Publisher: Harlequin Teen
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-0373210053

Kaylee and Rachel Vincent seem back on track. Unlike the last book where although the stakes were high, Kaylee really had no reason except wanting to help to put herself on the line, the complete opposite is true.

A new drug is hooking and killing her fellow classmates, and as she gets closer to discovering who and what is behind it she uncovers a dark secret that may just rip apart the happy world she's just getting ready to know. The betrayal and anger run so deeply that nothing can be the same after this. Memories are precious and what becomes of us when we squander them?

The plotting is extra tight on this one, and the clues are so subtle that they are easily overlooked. And although this is a very good read, it is not a standalone book, each book in this series builds off the other, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. What was bad was the ending. Cliffhangers are all wonderful and all, but this one was so overwhelming that the book felt wholly unfinished.


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