In Review: Bullet by Laurell K. Hamilton

Released: June 1, 2010,   368 pages
Format: Hardcover
Publisher: Berkley Hardcover
ISBN: 9780425234334

After the novella Flirt I was excited to finally get a full length book. The last few books, have been well all about the sex, and while this one still does contain some sex, we're starting to get back on track. I'm willing to take the baby steps, if we get back to quality writing.

The Mother of All Darkness is back, because did anyone really think that she was gone when her body was destroyed? Ha! And thank goodness for that. Along with the trouble she brings, and because of it, so is the Police work. So Anita has more to do than just lie in bed with her bevy of lovers.

We see a few old characters, but not the ones that are really missed, like Dolph. And Richard,  is baaack. I know I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I am a Richard girl, and saying that I'm both happy and feeling a little off about him on the canvas. Richard over his hang-ups with like a snap of the fingers kinda rankles at me a bit, because well, he's too good for Anita, and he got over his issues way too fast. But as long as there isn't a dramatic relapse I'll take it, anything for more Richard, so long as he doesn't become her bitch boy.

And there are tigers, we've seen a lot of tigers in the last few books, and there seems to be no end in sight, there are new guys, both good and bad, and new alliances are formed  as everyone scrambles for cover in the war against Mommie Dearest.

The imagery is always great, the plotting has some holes in logic, but it's nice to see the story come shining through all the sex, and this one leaves the scene wide open for greatness. I only hope that Laurell capitalizes on it.


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