Kikki Danielsson and Edward Blom to Compete in Melodifestivalen 2018 (Interview)

Kikki Danielsson is returning to Melodifestivalen once again, having competed and won more than once before. This time, her song is a Swedish country ballad ("Osby Tennessee") sharing her autobiography in three minutes. Kikki's purpose in presenting the song is to let others now that regardless of if you come from a rough start in life, you can still achieve your dreams. Though the entry might not prove as competitive as some of the flashier entries, it's an important message to share to the viewers tuning in.

Watch our full interviews with Kikki Danielsson and Edward Blom here:

Edward Blom isn't known to the public for being a musical artist. Instead, he has made a name for himself by being a fan of food, drinks, and being a writer, historian, and television personality. His song "Livet på en pinne" is a playful, cheery song with a colourful batch of characters including a dancing lobster, grape, and table. This Swedish spin on Beauty and the Beast's "Be Our Guest" has a high production value and the staging is perfectly on brand with the spirit of the song.


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