Melissa Joan Hart Brings "The Watcher In The Woods" Remake to New York Comic Con

Melissa Joan Hart and her mother Paula Hart paid a visit to New York Comic Con to promote their upcoming Lifetime film "The Watcher In The Woods" which is adapted from a 1976 novel and was also adapted to film by Disney in 1980. While the original film adaptation borrowed much of the more abstract, science fiction components of the novel, Melissa and Paula promise that this latest film adaptation for Lifetime will be a traditional ghost story.

Though Melissa and Paula have worked together to produce the project, Melissa took on the additional responsibility of directing. Much of the production staff was also women, something they are enormously proud to have done so as to better the opportunities for women in the industry. Anjelica Huston is also prominently featured in the project and has had nothing but kind words about Melissa as a director throughout her time promoting the project.

The Watcher In The Woods will air on Lifetime on Saturday, October 21.

Watch the full "The Watcher In The Woods" panel here:


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