Russian Popstar Egor Kreed Releases Latin-Influenced Single "Мало так мало"

Egor Kreed has released a new single that bodes promising for his new album - whenever he gets around to releasing it, that is. "Мало так мало" is a fun, Latin-infused pop track with the urban sprinklings that are typically found in a Egor Kreed release. Despite his start as a "rapper" it's only been as a pop artist that Egor Kreed has found his footing with a highly commercial sound that is highly accessible to international audiences, even when all of the lyrics are in Russian.

The music video spins a tale of Egor discovering Eris, the goddess of Chaos, and unleashing her on the world or perhaps it's simply Moscow that is falling prey to her antics. There's some quality imagery and colour schemes (consistent with the Eastern European pop industry), but some questionable ones too that needlessly exploit women (consistent with the Black Star label's tendencies).

Watch the "Мало так мало" music video in full here:


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