Wizard World Las Vegas 2015 Highlights | Museled

What's good, Museled readers! We are bringing you coverage from yet another one of Wizard World's conventions. This time, the fun came from Las Vegas, which made its debut in the ever-growing list of stops that Wizard World makes throughout the country.

On Friday, we first stopped off to attend the "Fast & Furious" panel which had actors from the film including Noel G, Caesar Garcia, and Jon Lee Brody who all answered questions about this massively successful film franchise, the late Paul Walker, and the other projects they have coming up on the horizons.

Following the panel, we sat down with actor/director Jon Lee Brody who shared his thoughts on why Fast & Furious has been so successful, and teased the various upcoming projects he has coming up including "Hurricane Kid," "Police Cops," and the power of web-based media in allowing more opportunities for diverse content creators.

On Saturday morning, the first order of events was to head to Arthur Darvill's panel. Though a bit tired from the night before (he went to see Britney Spears' Vegas show), he was not lacking in fun stories from his time on Doctor Who, and even his childhood!

Tom Mison's panel had a multitude of Sleepyheads in attendance that had travelled from all over the country just to see/meet him. There was an organisational problem for the seating of his panel, as the people running the room did not make it clear where the Tom Mison VIP badge-holders could sit until after many other fans had taken seats and so several fans ended up being pushed several rows back despite having come into the room early to camp out and grab a good seat. But once the panel itself begun, the panel moderator became all but obsolete as the fans went full-force with the questions and ran the show. (Honestly, we don't even think this moderator knew a single thing about "Sleepy Hollow" or any of Tom's work for that matter). As for Tom himself, he delivered the most hilariously witty and (sometimes British-profanity-ridden answers. It's well worth watching from start to finish.

Milo Ventimiglia's panel was the next stop for us and despite being most known for shows like "Heroes" and "Gilmore Girls," Milo Ventimiglia offered up fascinating insight to his diverse body of work, his approach to roles, and was enormously gracious towards all the fan adoration in the room.

Milo Ventimiglia was also gracious enough to speak with us about his upcoming ABC show "The Whispers," his recent work in "Grace of Monaco" and "Gotham," his passion for photography and producing, and upcoming projects.

Thus ends another successful stop on the Wizard World tour. Stay tuned for more Museled Wizard World coverage at future stops, and check out www.wizardworld.com to catch a stop in a city near you!


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