Bad Education S3E6 (Series 3 Finale) - "The Finale" Recap

Alfie struggles with the end of term, as his students will all be moving on to the next stages in their lives. The students each go to Fraser's office where the career-predicting computer predicts that virtually all of them will become archaeologists, with the exception of Rem Dogg who is wrongfully predicted to become a stunt man or a male escort.

Stephen decides to go to prom as his female alter-ego, Stephanie Fierce. Alfie doesn't want to repeat the emotional struggles of losing a class after getting attached so he makes the decision to quit Abbey Grove and teaching altogether. When Alfie delivers the news to Fraser, Fraser pitches a fit. Rosie tries to talk him out of it but Alfie has made his decision and would also like to focus on his newly reconciled relationship with her.

Alfie tells everyone he's gotten a job at the Playstation factor when in actuality he's working at a DIY store. His students try to coax him into coming to the upcoming prom but he stays set on not doing so. Rosie tries to take over teaching Alfie's class but they're not fond of her attempts to mimic Alfie's teaching style.

Rosie stops by the DIY store and learns the truth about Alfie's new job. She even brings the students to the store to try to bait him back but he says he won't. At Prom, Stephen arrives in fashion as Stephanie Fierce and one by one, all of Alfie's students arrive.

Alfie grows tired of the bullying he receives from his coworkers so he quits and heads to Abbey Grove's Prom. He and his students head back to their class to say their goodbyes. They all tell Alfie how it would be a shame to deny other students the opportunity to have their lives changed just as he has done for them. One by one, they leave as their parents come to pick them up. After they're gone, Alfie watches the slideshow they made for him and becomes emotional looking back on the time he had with them. In the next Autumn term, Alfie and Rosie return to Abbey Grove to begin a new journey as teachers.


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