Turn S1E5 - "Epiphany" Recap

Abe tells his father he plans to head to New York alone and reach it by nightfall, and says he needs a lettter from Col. Cook to get past the checkpoints. His father says no one is conducting business over the holidays (it's Christmas) and Abe says that this is the precise reason to do the business and a better deal can be struck. Richard tells his son that he has been distant and Abe doesn't hide his disdain for the happenings with the gravestones. Abe relents about leaving but says he will be spending Christmas at home with his family and to not expect them to visit his place. On his way out, Abe sneaks upstairs, goes through some documents, and writes down some information he finds.

Conflict arises when Anna learns her belongings are to be seized by the British army and she decides to hold on to one of her slaves, Abby, despite having already promised her her freedom. Abby will now also have to face separation from her son. In the end, Judge Woodhull and Major Hewlett do indeed seize Anna's possessions and take her male slaves so they can fight in the British army. The females slaves are also taken, including Abby, to be "gifts" for the British officers.

When Abby is preparing to leave, she says goodbye to her son who is to stay with Anna. She speaks with Anna in private and reveals that she knows what Anna has been up to with Abe and the spy ring. She tells Anna that if she promises to look after her son, she will help them get information from her new master, Major Andre.

Anna visits Abe, who is also at a low point, having just had a disagreement with his wife and feeling increasingly disillusioned by the risk he is putting them in by working in the spy ring. He doesn't know if any of what he has done is worth it. Anna lets him know about Abigail and prepares to leave since Abe had become argumentative. He follows after her to apologise and keep her from leaving without making amends and then they end up kissing. Their passions increase to the point of nearly having sex but they are interrupted by the British soldier staying with the Woodhulls. At the soldier's advice, Abe heads out to his father's to join Mary and his son for Christmas.

At Trenton, NJ, Abe's information finally reaches General Washington, thus allowing the state to be reclaimed from the British. Unfortunately, Robert Rodgers learns from General Lee that the man who got away back in the first episode was Benjamin Tallmadge, which also puts Abe at risk given their connection. The episode closes with General Washington questioning Tallmadge about Abe, wanting to know more about the man responsible for their victory.

Turn airs on Sundays on AMC at 9PM.


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