The Last Unicorn hits SACRAMENTO today (!) and ATLANTA This Coming Weekend

That's right, Peter is doing a screening in Sacramento tonight, Monday December 2nd. Pre-show signing starts at 6 PM, the Q&A/screening starts promptly at 7 PM, and we'll stay as long as it takes for Peter to meet everyone and sign whatever they bring to have signed. If you live anywhere near Sacramento and want to come, get your ticket online here or else show up directly at the Tower Theatre, 2508 Land Park Drive, Sacramento, CA 95818. It's a big place, so there should be plenty of seats.

If you don't live near Sacramento, but know someone who does, please call/email/text them to spread the word. We've got just a few hours left to reach as many interested people as possible.
Then this weekend we will start the first Official Georgia/Florida tour leg with a Saturday afternoon screening in Atlanta itself, and a Sunday evening screening in Roswell, 22 miles to the north.

Here are links to buy tickets for these two shows.
Saturday 12/07/2013, 3:30 PM — The Plaza Theatre, in Atlanta, GA [Note: pre-show signing will start at 2 PM because we have to be out of the theater no later than 7 PM.]

Sunday 11/16/2013, 1 PM — the Aurora Cineplex, in Roswelll, GA

ALSO in Roswell, at the same location but earlier in the afternoon, we are going to have our first-ever Last Unicorn-themed Miniature Golf Tournament! That's right...and anyone who beats Peter's score is going to get a prize! Final details are being settled right now and will be announced on Wednesday, 12/4. If you'd like to reserve one of the first-come, first-serve slots, email us at Please include your phone number so we have more ways to reach you than just return email. (Connor may very well have to do some of that while driving the our van cross-country from California.)

There are going to be more Georgia and Florida screenings this month, but with the exception of the Sunday 12/15 Jacksonville show at the Sun-Ray Cinema, those arrangements are still being settled. We'll share the news just as soon as we've got it.


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