Pride and Prejudice and Zombies has been resurrected!

Back before Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter was released there was buzz that Seth Grahame Smith's other literary mash-up would be produced. Star names were thrown about, but nothing came of that, until now.

Just like its main antagonists, “Pride Prejudice and Zombies” is a film that refuses to die, and looks like it may have risen again from the dead. Variety is reporting that not only is there a director (Burr Steers), but that Lily Collins is in negotiations to star. Natalie Portman was attached to the film previously, but will now serve as a producer.

The book follows the tangled relationships between lovers from different social classes in 19th century England who are faced with a new challenge — an army of undead zombies. Collins would play the Elizabeth Bennet character.

Darko Entertainment and Panorama Media are producing with Panorama funding.

Source: Variety


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