Sights, sounds and the Disney Panel at Wondercon 2010
The atmosphere was just as fun, without the hectic nature that is comic con, so a child could walk of her own without fear of being trampled. A huge relief for a parent of one such child fascinated by all the superheroes, monsters and villains running around.
The obvious choice of panel to preview was Disney's offering which boasted not only Prince of Persia, and Sorcerer's Apprentice, but also Toy Story 3. First out Prince of Persia: The gorgeous Jake Gyllenhaal and Jerry Bruckheimer along with Mike Newell and game creator Jordan Mechner wowed the crowd with a fight scene from the movies beginning. Jake charmed the crowd, with his easy going attitude, and giving us an awkward moment when asked if he could go back to any moment in time, where would he go. Back to see his birth. But no bombshells revealed.
Up next was Sorcerer's Apprentice, which included Nicholas Cage, Jay Baruchel, Teresa Palmer, Ron Turtletaub and Jerry Bruckheimer. Another fantastic clip, this one featuring the amazing Alfred Molina, Nicholas Cage and Jake Cherry, in which Molina's character is released from a nesting doll. The movie is based off of the 1797 poem by the same name, and even gives homage to the Sorcerer's Apprentice scene in Fantasia. The movie looks fantastic, even though much was left in absurdity.
Last up for this panel was Toy Story 3. John Ratzen
Once the Disney panel concluded, with the Resident Evil panel next, all that was left was taking in more of the floor, with its video games, superheroes, R2D2 and zombies.