In Review: Laughing Corpse- The Necromancer by Laurell K. Hamilton

Released: 01/6/10 120 pages
Publisher: Marvel
Format: Hardcover
ISBN: 978-0785136330
The second book in Laurell k. Hamilton's Anita Blake series to be adapted into a comic book form, this is book two of three.
It picks up where the last one left off with a zombie attack. But the action pretty much stops there, hopefully to pick up in the final edition. The pacing just didn't work this time. Lots of dialogue, hardly any detective work, did Anita really do so little and have everything just fall into her lap in the books.
I wasn't all to impressed with the artwork. Anita is a hard character at times, she's small, and she's overly tough, but her expression range from surprised to angry with nothing in between, and at times when that face couldn't be the correct one, making it hard to gage her response to the situation. The panels of course were dialogue heavy, but with everything hastily drawn a lot of the feeling you get from the book is lacking in this translation.
The frustration felt over Anita being hard headed in regards to being Jean-Claude's human servant and eventually lover felt more empty and less consequential. I loved the book, but this one just didn't measure up.


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