Salute to Supernatural Day Two

Day two of Creation Entertainment's Salute to Supernatural was jammed packed, a total assault to the senses, with the absence of one of my favorite angels, who dropped out of the line up, being only slightly felt.

They opened the day with a fan favorite Richard Speight, Jr, who of course was both Gabriel and the Trickster. He was beyond delightful, sharing about his time on the set. And no, the writers did even tell him that he was the Archangel Gabriel, although he did love that twist of the story.

Richard is also known for his work on Band of Brothers, in which he played Skip Muck, and he shared a very heartfelt story about filming. The movie did more than just let the world know the story about Easy Company, it brought closure to not only Muck's family, who never knew how he died, but also to Muck's girlfriend at the time.
And now there is monument in the small town of Tonawanda, New York dedicated to Muck, as well as the Niland brothers, which Saving Private Ryan was based.

Richard easily sweeps the crowd under his spell, and tickles their funny bone even as he tells the tale that nearly brings the tears. His impersonations of both himself and Tom Hanks were hilarious, but didn't distract one bit.

If you're not a Twixter, as Richard calls his twitter followers, you should be. He's almost as fun online as he is in person. And he does answer fans.

Next up was Aldis Hodge, which many may remember as the back-stabbing Jake Tally on Supernatural. He's currently on Leverage, which he got just as many questions about.

He took a little flack from the audience for the way he shanked Sam during "All Hell Breaks Loose" in the second season, but he was a good sport about it. Going as far as to say that he would do it all over again, and if Jake had come back he would have taken revenge on Sam and killed him again.

He followed those blows with a show of some dance moves, and shared that he has a pair of yorkies, Basil and Bella.

Clif Kosterman came out next. He was Tiny in the episode "Folsom Prison Blues." In the episode he got to kick the crap out of Jensen, which he really enjoyed and now he protects both boys in real life. Anyone having seen either Jensen or Jared in real life know neither of them are tiny, but Clif is there as he put it "to take a punch."

Clif was tight lipped about nearly everything, although he did reveal in the upcoming show where the Winchester boys are in the "real world" he's not playing himself.
Corin Nemec was next and not nearly as unpleasant as his character Christian Campbell, in fact he was very pleasant. He spoke a little about current projects including one about Sand Sharks. Which he said "Doesn't take itself too seriously." And I should hope not since it is about killer sharks in the sand.

The last Supernatural guest of the day was Samantha Smith, who of course was Dean and Sam's Mom, Mary Winchester. She was wonderful.

She also shared a little about upcoming projects, a bathroom remodel, the ghost in her house, and how she always gets cast as "mom" but really sees herself as a kick ass Lara Croft.

1 comment:

  1. I loved this quote: Corin Nemec was next and not nearly as unpleasant as his character Christian Campbell

    - best review of Corin I've seen in these reports ;) Thanks for writing this up!


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