Walking Dead Recap S4E2: Infected

Last we saw Phineas falling to the ground and dying in the shower... The prison is quiet, except for the always hungry walkers outside. Someone dangles a juicy rat in front of them.

Tyrese kisses Kelly, but he's distracted by the death of Zack. Life has changed so much, and as he serenades Kelly he has no clue things are gonna change again. He kisses her once more and sends her off to bed. She heads in for  quick wash, and hears a noise. Like anyone in a horror movie, she goes to investigate, and finds nothing when she draws the curtain back. But he is rising.  She pads back to cellblock D, and he follows her.  A cough saves her, and Phineas feasts on the sleepers neck. he doesn't make as sound as his throat is ripped out, and no one is the wiser. He's still eating as the sun rises.

Rick and Judy rise before the alarm, he awakens Carl when the alarm clock sounds. Zombie Phineas continues to eat, until the sounds of people waking pulls him towards them. His meal, now zombified starts to rise as well. Zombie Phineas is off to find some more food. Beth wakes.

Glen watches the walkers from the watch tower as Maggie sleeps. He takes some pictures of a snoozing Maggie, and she awakens to the sound of his polaroid. He leaves her for a perimeter check. Rick and Carl walk Michonne out, she's on another run. She asks why Carl doesn't wear his Sheriff hat anymore. He tells her its not a farming hat, and the two men set off todo a little farming. As Rick plays with the compost, Carl notes the swaying of the gates, and that Daryl and the crew only took out one group of walkers the other day. Rick isn't interested in zombie detail, but Carl is. Rick clarifies that they have farming plans. Carl asks when he can have his gun back, but Rick doesn't answer. There's gunfire, and shouts for help. Ricks sends Carl to the tower with Maggie. Michonne circles back. Carl goes to let her in, but the walkers are too close, and a pair follow her in. She fights them off, and Carl shoots one of them. Before Maggie can help, Michonne is injured throwing one of the walkers. Maggie kills the second one, and helps Michonne inside. The walkers ignore them, and turn their attention back to the fences facing the cellblock.

Inside the cellblock, Rick, Daryl and company try to save the uninfected. They go through the cells killing the undead, and as Carol goes to amputate the arm of a man bitten she sees its worse than she thought, he has a bite on the neck too. As the rest sweep through each cell, Glen nearly gets taken out by a zombie, but Daryl takes out Phineas, the last zombie standing. They go through and double tap the bodies, to ensure that the danger is over. Hershel sees to the injured. Rick looks a whole lot worse for the wear. Kelly and Tyrese look shell shocked. Carol gets a dying request, to watch over his children, he knows what's coming. The guys CSI one of the zombies that was locked in his cell. He was a sleepwalker, locked himself in. He died, not of a bite like most of the others, but in his sleep of likely of a pneumococcal virus. Rick tells them that he had a sick pig that died fast, and saw a sick boar in the woods. Hershel tells them that they have to work quick to nip this in the bud. They're all exposed.

The man's girls come to see their dad, Carol tells them that they're nothing they can do. He tells them to take care of each other, and he dies. Carol tries to get them out so she can do what needs to be done. Lindsay wants to be the one to deliver the blow, but she cannot, and so Carol does it for her.

Carl and Maggie help Michonne back to the prison. Carl sees Rick, and loses it a little. He tells him he's sorry, he didn't want to use the gun, and Michonne clarifies that he was helping her. Maggie asks what happened, and Rick tells them that Phineas died of flu, and attacked the cell block. He tells them to stay away from everyone who was exposed. Carol can't believe that they died so quickly. Half of the people there may have been exposed. Hershel asks if anyone else is showing symptoms, he wants to set up something else, since they can't go in and clean up D at the moment. They go over their options. The sound of coughing sends them scrambling. It's Kelly. Tyrese is taking her back to his cell to rest, and they tell him its not a good idea. Glen tells her that the cause of Phinea's death was the flu. Tyrese is getting all squirrely, and Hershel tells him they're gonna figure it out but they're separating the sick. Glen goes off to grab another person whose been coughing, and Hershel tells Daryl that they need to call another meeting. Daryl goes to burying the dead, and Hershel advises caution: gloves and mask. Carol worries about the young girls who were around Phineas, and Daryl advises to keep an eye on them.

Carol tells the girls they can visit their father's grave at least, but the girls aren't ready to have a heart to heart. Carol tells Lindsay she's weak, and her compassion is lost. The younger sister tells Carol that she's messed up not weak.

Daryl digs graves, and he tells Rick that he was glad he was in there with them, that he earned his time off. Rick isn't ready to be a leader again. He almost lost his boy, and he can't risk that again. Maggie sounds the alarm, too many walkers are bringing down the fence. The men come running, and begin clearing away the walkers. Rick hesitates for a moment, before becoming a walking killing machine.

Beth wraps Michonne's ankle. She curses her stupidity, that they should have left her out there, that they could have been hurt saving her. But Beth tells her that they care about her, that that hurt is part of the package. Beth rambles on about orphans and mother's who lost their children, when Judy starts hollering. Beth takes the baby away.

The fence team continues to clear it. Maggie gets knocked down, but won't let Glen help her up. Sasha finds the source of the walkers desire, a heap of headless rats. Someone has been baiting them to a particular part of the fence. As the fence strains beneath the weight, they push back against the rising tide. If the fence continues to bend, the walkers will come over. Rick sends Daryl to get the truck, he has an idea.

Carol comes to chat with Carl, what kind of bullshit is she going to heap at him? She asks him if he told his dad what he saw at the library. He asks her if she plans to tell the kids' parents shes teaching about knives. She doesn't plan to, too afraid they'll stop her. Carl doesn't want to lie to his dad, but Carol is asking for an omission. So basically she's setting herself up to be the person I like the least this year.

Michonne makes the best of her down time, while Beth sings Judy quiet. Beth asks Michonne to Beth her when she gets spit up on, and Michonne does reluctantly. Seems there's a lost baby somewhere in the story as she cries over Beth.

Maggie opens the gate, and Daryl and Rick drive off with their bait. The walkers leave the fence to see what the men have in the box. Rick takes a piglet out of the box and injuring it, leaves it for the walkers, they take the bait, and the others can reinforce the fence. Daryl and Rick continue this baiting, and with each pigs death, Rick loses a little more of the peace he's build these last few months. Poor Rick.

The girls watch the walker, and here comes Carol again. She tries to comfort Lindsay, and cuts some flowers to put behind her ear. Lindsay takes her knife, and ticks it into her belt, and Carol feels all better.

Carl wonders if the pigs made everyone sick. Rick tells him either that or they made the pigs sick, either way they have to stay away from the baby. Carl spills on Carol's recent actions, and Carl tells him that he thinks that he should continue to let her. Rick thanks his honesty, tells him that he won't stop Carol as he sets fire to the pigpens. He gives Carl back his gun, so much for farmer Rick. Sheriff Rick is back! He straps on his gun and watches what could have been burn.

Tyrese comes bearing flowers, but finds only a trail of blood, it looks like someone was dragged, like Kelly was dragged. Outside he finds two burned bodies, and a can of gasoline.


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