Atlantis S1E6 - "The Song of the Sirens" Recap

Hercules fights a man named "The Destroyer," who wins in the fight but Medusa appears impressed by Hercules' performance nonetheless. Jason and Pythagoras tell him afterwards that there are other ways that he could impress Medusa but he tries to act as though this isn't the reason he is so fixated on finding glory in the wrestling ring. That night, Jason and Pythagoras talk about Herclues, his infatuation with Medusa, and call him "sad" and "foolish," which he overhears.

The next day, Jason is summoned by The Oracle. She warns him of a woman of great power. Jason questions whether or not it is Pasiphae she is seeing but the Oracle says that the Queen stands unabashed in the light, whereas this woman is concealed in the darkness and she is seeking Jason.

Hercules is told about a witch, Circe, who could cast a spell to make Medusa fall in love with him for the price of his most precious possession. He visits her and offers up his last remaining link to his father, a tooth from a sea beast that he received to keep by his bed to ward off evil spirits. She gives him a jar that holds the song of the sirens. Once opened, Hercules must be the first person Medusa sees and it will not fail him. However, Circe warns him to be careful with such powerful magic.

Upon returning, Hercules sneaks into the palace and uses the songs of the siren on Medusa. Things seem good at first, as Hercules asks her out and she agrees. They spend a lovely evening together, but the next day, Medusa shows up and brings the trio food she has stolen from the palace. She also has strange marks on her hand that make their way up her arm. She becomes ill and Pythagoras tends to her, though he does not appear to initially know what is causing her illness. However, he later reveals to Jason in private that her illness is the result of witchcraft. Hercules seems to have figured this out and admits what he has done to Jason and Pythagoras.

Medusa's condition grows progressively worse and Hercules returns to visit Circe. She tells him that she has dreamed of him and the rest of the trio. Hercules is now her prisoner and bait for the others to come after him. It doesn't take long for Jason to unleash his heroic ways and go after Hercules with Pythagoras accompanying him. In the forest, they hear a noise and worry that they are being followed but find that it is just a pig. They try to shoo it away but the pig is relentless and stays with them. The next morning, they find that the pig has eaten all their food. Pythagoras becomes suspicious when the pig doesn't finish the black olives and realises that the pig might be Hercules. Jason begins to believe him when he recognises the smell after the pig makes wind. Pythagoras tells the pig to snort once if he is Hercules and it does so. They realise that Circe must have enchanted him.

In her lair, Circe summons a mysterious creature from water. It flies through the forest, shrieking and attempting to attack the trio. Jason manages to get behind it and fly majestically through the air before slaying it. Pythagoras finds himself wounded on his left arm so Jason must go after Circe alone. Circe speaks with Jason and tells her that she will help his friends under the condition that he kill her sister, who took everything away from her and left her disfigured. Jason returns to Pythagoras and tells him that he cannot kill an innocent person, yet he cannot in good conscious leave Medusa and Hercules to suffer their respective fates. Pythagoras tells Jason he is the noblest of them all and will support him with whichever decision he makes.

Jason returns to Circe and tells her he agrees to her condition, but only to help his friend. She seals the bargain by injuring the inside of his wrist. When Jason questions her as to the identity of her sister, she reveals that her sister is Pasiphae.

The trio returns to Atlantis, Hercules returns to being human, and Medusa is healed. She learns of how Hercules is responsible for her brush with death and is now furious with him. Hercules is still determined to win her heart, though hopefully in a more honourable manner this time around.

Jason visits the Oracle and reveals his wound and the bargain he has made. She tells him that he has no idea what he has done.

Atlantis airs on Saturdays on BBC One.


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