Day 4 Thor Signing and Comic Con The Wrap up,

It’s that time again, that sad, sad time, the Comic Con wrap up. It’s been an exhaustive few days, but the con has come to a closed, but not without one last surprise. Saturday is normally movie day, when all the big movies do their panels and signing, but one movie still had even more up its sleeve besides its big villainous “Say My Name” attraction.

That’s right, Thor had its big signing on Sunday. Sunday morning was the normal hustle and bustle, but there was a signing not on the schedule, one that was scheduled to take place the day before. Sunday was the last chance to grab the elusive Monster High Doll I was after, and yet somehow I was led to the Marvel booth, literally shuffled into a small line that was drawing cards on the stage. I drew a Thor card, and the guy took it and handed me a slip of paper, telling me congratulations, and to come back later.

Still, what I had in my hand did not dawn on me. For one, it was labeled Saturday, and for two, when I finally tracked down a schedule for that signing the only person on it was Thor: The Dark World director, Alan Taylor. I’m a fan of Mr. Taylor’s and all, but it certainly did not sound like as exciting as some of the other signings that we had attended, but I was still game.

The last day is the perfect time to check out the toys on display, and they displays in general. It’s the time to grab those last few t-shirts you’ve been eyeing, and apparently to finally meet the God of Mischief.

When Tom Hiddleston was announced with Alan Taylor there was a great roar from the crowd. Marvel does their signings up on a stage, with a screen streaming up close shots of the participants. They want the fans to be able to see everything, and enjoy it.  But Mr. Hiddleston has a way of making the crowd go wild. So every cheeky smile, every little moment he paused to dance made them lose their collective minds. Hiddles loves his fans, and he showed off a lot of the artwork that was brought to him.

One girl that wasn’t lucky enough to get a signing ticket first offered money, and when that was refused asked if I could get him to write “Bad Wolf” on a piece of paper for her to be tattooed later. While I’m familiar with the Doctor Who term, I wasn’t sure what relation it had to Hiddleston, as I didn’t recall him ever being on the show. She proceeded to go into the Doctor Who part, and said she was planning to have it tattooed anyways, so it would be neat to have it in Hiddleston’s hand writing. Fair enough.

Hiddleston is very sweet and charming, which I was expecting. I was not expecting him to be so stunning close up. And when he looked at me with those big blue green eyes and said “Wow, you’re very pretty.” I nearly fell off the stage. I stammered a thank you and asked him if he could write out Bad Wolf for me. He quirked an eyebrow, and I told him it wasn’t for me, and gave him a quick explanation about the girl in the crowd. He wrote it, first very sloppily, before writing it again. He held it up, and I could hear the girl screaming loudly, very loudly. So Hiddles flung it into the crowd towards her. It didn’t go to her, and he apologized, saying “I don’t think I should have done that.” I agreed, and so did security, since they took me off the stage away from the crowd.

With the Thor signing done, and the con really done for me, there was one last thing to do, say goodbye to Nerd HQ. Normally I’m at Nerd HQ several times during the convention. This year I hadn’t had a chance to make it over even once.  Sunday as Comic con is wrapping up is not the best time to check out Nerd HQ, but its all I had. Alan Tudyk and Nathan Fillion were hanging around taking pictures, so it was nice to see them. But it was closing time. The solar system was heading out, the convention was done. Bags were packed and planes needed to be caught, so off I went, but not before I was almost run over by Chris Hardwick on a razor scooter. We took a quick picture and I bid San Diego adieu. It’s been a great convention, until next year.

If you would like to see more pictures from the panel check out our Flickr album.


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