The Good Place S03E03 "The Brainy Bunch" Recap

Trevor does his best to interfere with the humans and their quest to better themselves. He manages to drive Chidi away from the others by planting seeds that by being friends with the test subjects it may interfere with the results of the research. He encourages Jason and Tahani to hook up with another in a casual fling, while also putting on a facade that involves being excessively friendly to the group.

Michael and Janet travel to Earth together in an effort to counteract Trevor's sabotage attempts. However , as they're unable to use their powers the task is made all the more difficult. Janet struggles to function without her ability to summon various objects at will.

Jason helps Tahani get home while she is drunk but the two do not engage in anything non-platonic.

Eleanor is saddened by Chidi deciding to distance himself from the group so she doesn't come to the next meeting. Simone encourage Chidi to reconnect with Eleanor and the group. When he affirms his friendship with her she decides to stay in the study.

Judge Gen summons Michael, Janet, and Trevor back to the afterlife to reprimand them for disobeying her orders. Trevor is thrown into a void as punishment. She says that the experiment is over and the humans need to meet the normal threshold to be able to get into the Good Place. Gen orders Michael and Janet to return to their normal positions in the Bad Place. If they do so, Michael will likely be retired and Janet would be deactivated. Janet's powers finally return and as a result, the various objects she had attempted to summon while on earth rapidly begin to reappear in sequence. This creates a large obstruction between between them and Gen, allowing Janet and Michael the opportunity to escape back to Earth.

The Good Place airs on Thursdays on NBC at 8:30/7:30c.


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