Moncho To Battle Margaret In Andra Chansen (Melodifestivalen)

Photo: Lizel Strömberg (ZEL Photography)

Moncho defied the odds to qualify from the Melodifestivalen semi-finals and has earned another chance to battle for a spot in the finals. This time he will be facing off against Margaret, but he is the first to admit that neither of them is particularly inclined towards any sort of negative, competitive energy. Both artists would rather focus on the gift of being able to perform their songs once again for the audience in the arena and tuning in to the show.

"Cuba Libre" is a step in a new creative direction for Moncho, who has spent the bulk of his career being a hip-hop artist releasing harder rap music as opposed to the warm, feel-good Caribbean-influenced pop he has brought to the contest. He has also been consistent in making music videos for his past releases, and has even gone so far as to shoot one in Barcelona.

Watch our full interview with Moncho here:


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