Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. S4E1 - "The Ghost" Review

Daisy's on the run as the vigilante "Quake" but she's spending her time tracking down gang members in Los Angeles and this is how she learns of Ghost Rider, as he is killing them. Of all the characters o the show, Daisy's has been the most remarkable, as Chloe Bennet has proven herself a highly capable performer as her material has grown increasingly more heavy and dramatic, a stark contrast to her own cheerful, quick-witted disposition. Newcomer Gabriel Luna has already impressed as the Robbie Reyes incarnation of Ghost Rider and we should all expect big things to come from him on the show. In a single episode, we see the range of him being a dark, vengeful figure ready to murder wrongdoers, and a sensitive, compassionate brother tending to his disabled younger brother. The other newcomer in this premiere is John Hannah as S.H.I.E.L.D. ally Holden Radcliffe, and in all honesty, we had thought for a moment that he was playing Fitz's father. This dynamic should be great fun to see explored further, though we can't help but feel a sense of dread that this secrecy is going to be a source of unneeded angst in Fitz and Simmons' relationship.

Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. airs on Tuesdays on ABC at 10PM.


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