Nerdist Presents: George R.R. Martin's Blank Page

Nerdist is combining Game of Thrones with Taylor Swift's smash hit Blank Space and the results are epic!

What do Taylor Swift's ex-boyfriends and dead characters on Game of Thrones have in common? There's an awful lot of them. 

As we learn in T. Swift's hit single, there's a Blank Space for a new lover to ride her tumultuous relationship roller coaster, just as George R.R. Martin has a Blank Page for our favorite characters to meet a grisly demise. That's right -- no one is safe in love or the wild world of Westeros, not even fan-favorite Daenerys Targaryen. 

The night is dark and full of music videos inspired by Taylor Swift, so find out what fate has in store for the Mother of Dragons and watch Nerdist Presents: George R.R. Martin’s Blank Page

About Nerdist:
Nerdist Industries is a multi-platform creator of genre and popular culture content. Founded by CEO Chris Hardwick, its online presence includes a website at; a premium YouTube channel ( featuring Nerdist News hosted by Jessica Chobot; a combined 2.75 million Twitter followers; a Podcast Network including the flagship Nerdist Podcast; The Nerdist School comedy training program; and the Nerdist Alliance, a community of curated partnerships with some of YouTube's most talented and passionate creators including up and coming stars Hannah and Hilly Hindi of The Hillywood Show. Nerdist also produces content for television including @midnight for Comedy Central and All Star Celebrity Bowling for AMC. Further, Nerdist hosts live events around the country such as The Nerdist Podcast Live! and Course of the Force, an annual lightsaber relay in partnership with Lucasfilm LTD. Legendary Entertainment acquired Nerdist Industries in August 2012.


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