He-Man's Battle Cat just got an awesome Make-over

We've literally been waiting years for the He-Man remake. Years wondering and hoping that the awesomeness that is He-Man would finally make his way to the big screen, and maybe just maybe bring about an equally rockin She-Ra movie. After years of false starts, it looks like the Masters of the Universe may finally come to pass! Why all the excitement you ask today? The thing has been in development for years. Well behold, today on twitter Senior Vice President of Productions for Columbia Pictures, DeVon Franklin has delivered a gem in the form of a fully armored Battle Cat!

Am I the only one that gets tingles at looking at this picture? Franklin, has already made Twitter waves a few months ago when he revealed that the script had been finished, but there has been little news about it since. Now that Battle Cat has been revealed, there's just a few more minor details that need addressing, namely the director and star.

Jon M. Chu was set to direct back in 2012, but he vacated that seat to direct a G.I. Joe sequel, and eventually took on Jem and the Holograms as well. As much as I adored Jem as a kid, He-Man is really the superior toy line, and story as well. Don't let the 80's Masters of the Universe starring Dolph Lundgren convince you otherwise.

So who would you like to see in the director's seat, and which actor could carry the page boy hair cut with dignity?

There is still no release date for Masters of the Universe at this time.


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