Grimm Giveaway

One of the perks of working the press room, besides sitting and chatting with the amazing cast was getting my hands on a whole lot of buttons. Now, I'll admit that I'm utterly obsessed with buttons, they're like Pokemon, I've got to catch them all. But I have many, way more than I should, which for our readers is a very good thing.

Not including the set that I'm keeping, I found 14 other lonely little buttons sitting in my con gear, because yes I still have not put it all away. And they would love to have a home, and after the devastation that was the Grimmiere now is a good time to spread a little love around. 

The grand prize winner will receive the complete set of seven. The other seven pins will be up for grabs individually. That's a total of eight prizes! Here is what the grand prize looks like. 

There will also be single winners for Captain Renard, Detective Wu, Monroe/Rosalee and Nick Pins.

There are multiple Adalind pins, three to be exact, she was apparently everywhere, though I never got a chance to actually speak to the lovely Claire Coffee.

 But the only way to win Juliette or Hank will be via the grand prize.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Entered! I got a chance to see David, Bitsie, and the entire cast of Grimm going into the Hard Rock Hotel - literally a few steps away from them but I wasn't able to get an autograph. :(

    1. Oh too bad! I ran into David outside the press room, and I got a picture with him. He's an absolute doll, but I didn't see any of the rest of them after or around the con. Maybe next year you'll score some autographs! Good luck in our contest!

  2. I wanna Win! I love Grimm; it's one of my favorite TV shows and one of the few I follow regularly, so I'm excited for the giveaway! Thanks for the giveaway!

  3. Seriously!!!????!!! Met them at Nerd HQ!!! They are so awesome! Now...buttons! I so have to have that set!

  4. I would love to win Monroe and Rosalee! I have never loved a pair of characters as much as I love those two!

  5. This would be neat to have since they film here in Portland but don't do many events here. The whole cast and crew are really nice people.

  6. I still need to finish last season!! Those buttons are amazing!! Woo I wanna win!!! Thanks for hosting this giveaway!

  7. I am a huge GRIMM fan! I actually met Claire Coffee last year at Dragon*Con and she was so sweet! Thanks for the giveaway! I hope I win some pins! XD

  8. I´m a great Sasha Roiz Fan from Germany! So I would love to win only one Pin of his character Sean Renard. This is a wonderful idea that you do this great giveaway! Thank you so much for this. x


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