Milla Jovovich and Paul W.S. Anderson Returning for Resident Evil 6

So we’ve all heard the great news that Sony will release a sixth Resident Evil movie on September 12th, 2014. Since the news broke there has been no additional details, until now. It has been confirmed that the franchise’s two main players will return.

First Showing is reporting that both Paul W.S. Anderson and Milla Jovovich will return for the sequel, with Anderson directing once again. 

Paul W.S. Anderson directed the first Resident Evil film, and returned to helm Resident Evil: Afterlife and Resident Evil: Retribution. He plans to start shooting this fall, and although not confirmed yet, likely also in 3-D. The report also didn’t mention anything about him writing this installment, but considering that he did write all of the previous ones, its pretty much a given.

Since we saw the return of Michelle Rodriguez in a previous installment, is it too much to ask for Eric Mabius to return, and not as some suped up Nemesis beast, but as Matt Addison. Maybe Umbrella is cloning hot guys, I don't know, but I know Anderson could make it work. Please, pretty please, especially if this may be the last Resident Evil movie.

Source: First Showing


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