In Review: Pale Demon by Kim Harrison

Published 2/21/11 439 pages
Publisher: Harper Voyager
Format: Hardcover
ISBN: 978-0061138065

A Witch, a pixy, an elf and a vamp on a cross country road trip. No it's not a dirty joke waiting to happen it's a really great piece of story telling that was next to impossible to put down.

Rachel needs to get to the West Coast for the much talked about Witches Conference in San Francisco in hopes of getting her shunning revoked.

Trent is on an Elf quest also in the West Coast, and Rachel can't resist an underdog. As much as she says that she doesn't like or trust Trent, she's constantly working for him and coming to his aid, even if she has to think of ways to justify it. These two are complete kismet, romantically or otherwise.

We finally get to see the otherside of Trent's business persona, and even a hint of what could be. Because lets face it, Trent is badboy hotness dripping with unknown power, and Rachel loves that more than Jenks loves calling Tink a Disney Whore.

And speaking of othersides, we see a different side to the ever after and more surprisingly to Al. Al may not be a strong contender for Rachel's love interest, but they are a pair to watch... Not that Rachel doesn't have enough troubles. Learnign more about demons, she learns more about herself.

The tying up of Pierce and how Rachel feels about him, is more than satisfying. Personally, lately I'd rather see him get smacked around than anything else, because all his good intentions, well, they pave the road to hell and really really suck.

Ivy and Jenks, I understand that Rachel doesn't really need them, she could survive without them, but I can't see a Rachel without a Jenks. And too much felt like goodbye. Rachel and company have grown so much since Dead Witch Walking and there are truths that can no longer be denied once brought into the light, but that doesn't mean everything should be abandoned for something new. I'm hoping for an expanding family, not a disppearing one.

I loved this ninth installment of the Hollows series, one of the best of the series. Many of the subplots have been resolved, which I appreciate, and new possibilities abundant. Overall, a fun little jaunt into the Hollows that leaves the world full of possiblities and choices.


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