In Review: Circus of the Damned- The Charmer by Laurell K. Hamilton

Published 1/19/11 120 pages
Publisher: Marvel
Format: Hardcover
ISBN: 978-0785146889

Anita Blake is back in a new graphic novel, sort of. The story has already been told, but now its being presented in gorgeous color. And this is the one I've been waiting for. If you couldn't tell by previous reviews I'm a Richard girl through and through, and well, this one is where we first meet the delicious junior high school teacher.

Anita is looking for a killer, which leads her straight to Jean Claude and his wicked little Circus, where she gets a little more than she bargained for. Throw in shapeshifters and a giant snake and its a pretty good time. A little gory, but that's what the mature content label is for.

Storywise it's pretty light, some small foreshadowing, but then this is only the collection of the first five of fifteen in the series, plenty of time to flesh out the story. It does stay right along with the original, which makes me very pleased with Jess Ruffner-Booth and Ron Lim.

Art wise, I absolutely love the style. My only complaint is with some of the head to chest ratios, namely Richard. Sometimes he is perfect as he should be, and other times he has a pin head and overly large body. It's distracting, but the everything else was so good I'm still left anxiously awaiting the next one.

1 comment:

  1. Another Anita Blake book that seems to have an awful lot going on at the same time yet very little actually happens. It seems as though this series will be dragged out even more.


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