Supernatural Recap: The Third Man

The brothers are on the road again, but not quite how we’re use to seeing them. There’s still a disconnect between that extends to them in separate cars. While posing as FBI agents they discover a trio of odd deaths. Three officers have died deaths that mirror separate plagues: blood, boils and locusts. Before the third officer dies, he reveals to the boys that he and his plague ridden officers killed a boy and framed him.
Although that’s a doozy of a clue, it still doesn’t explain the how. Dean decides its time to call Castiel. Sam remains skeptical, Cas hasn’t answered any of his prayers since he’s returned, and he doesn’t expect him to now. But when Dean calls, Cas answers, giving us our first glimpse of the trench coated angel.
Sam could have really used Castiel’s help when he came back, he needs answers, but having raised Dean from perdition, they have a “profound bond,” and Castiel cannot provide Sam with those answers. He doesn’t know how or why Sam is back from hell. But he does know what’s at the center of these current deaths: the Staff of Moses. During the chaos and confusion that Heaven has been in since the apocalypse it was stolen.
Dean and Sam eventually find it in the hands of the brother of the boy that was framed and murdered by the police. Cas flashes the boy and the boys back to the motel room, to check to see if the boy still has his soul. Dean protested when Cas describes what it’ll feel like for Cas to touch his soul, which will be nothing short of torture for the boy. Dean’s protest falls upon deaf ears, and Cas feels away. Cas, just like Sam is severly lacking in the humanity, seems they lost a lot during that year a part from Dean.
Castiel didn’t torture the boy for nothing he managed to glean the exact information they were looking for. An angel he thought killed in the war is actually at the bottom of it.
Balthazar has been using the upheaval in heaven to parade around like a crossroads demon, stealing weapons and bartering souls. Misguided Balthazar wants a chance to experience the same rebellious phase he thinks Cas experienced and they can be allies so long as Cas doesn’t get in his way.
He leaves before Cas can really protest, but the archangel Rafael returns to smack Castiel around. After he gives Cas a serious beating Balthazar returns with a crystal, turning Rafael into a pile of salt, “same thing that happened to Lot’s wife.”
Dean sets a trap for Balthazar forcing him to release the boy’s soul before he’s able to get away. And Cas quickly leaves as well, which leaves Dean and Sam alone. And on par with the normal course they have a little heart to heart. Dean tells Sam he’s different, but Sam maintains he’s okay, that being in the cage didn’t affect him.


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