True Blood Recap: Beautifully Broken

Bill starts the episode off by going all Tyson on one of the wolves, three others lie dead. When the King of Mississippi comes, he’s the one who asked for Bill to brought. Unhappy with Mr. Compton’s handling he kills one of the wolves to make a point, and he and Bill go riding off into the night.
Lafayette has his hands full with Tara, breaking down the door, and inducing her to vomit. Lottie gets in his way, praising Jesus. But Lafayette will save Tara whether or not she wants to be saved.
Sookie takes her discovery to Eric. Eric  fills her in on his knowledge of werewolves, he doesn’t want her to proceed down this path because he says her life is too valuable to wait. In the ladies room Pam and  Jessica go over Feeding 101. Pam shares her trick in stopping “crying children in soggy diapers, and maggots.” Jessica finally asks what to do with a corpse. Eric continues to try to talk Sookie out of looking for Bill, she starts crying, and Eric feels “human.” He has a Godrric flashback to Nazi Germany. They’re soldiers of the time, another soldier comes across a woman asking for help. When she attacks, Eric and Godric come and capture the werewolf.
Russell rides home with Bill, introducing him to his lover Talbot. Russell claims that Bill isn’t a captive, but a guest whose free to leave after he’s heard his proposal. As they leave, Talbot remarks that he’s a challenge, and Russell says “I may have to bring in the girl.”
Lafayette and Tara have a heart to heart on the side of the road. She’s afraid of being locked away, but Lafayette isn’t willing to give up on her even if he needs to drag her back to sanity. He takes to something she needs to see.
When Jessica and Sookie return home, they find Hoyt waiting. Sookie urges Jessica to be gentle with him. Jessica does her best to drive Hoyt away, but he justifies her biting his momma. He understands why she did it, but Jessica is guilt stricken over her trucker. Jessica goes to lie with her mistake as the sun rises.
Back home, Sookie knees her brother in the junk. Jason’s come to help clean up Nan’s house, when Sookie breaks down. Sookie catches Jason up as they clean, about all the monster that are real. She says she keeps expecting Bill to walk through the door and say “Sookeh.” Sookie confesses that she’s the one who told Eggs and therefore caused his death. Jason tries to comfort her, without telling her he’s the one who killed him.
Sam awakens to a shotgun in his face. Tommy takes him inside, and he talks to his birth parents for the first time in his life. Melinda realizes quickly that he’s her son, and Tommy learns he has a brother.
Outside of work Sookie gets a glimpse of a werewolf trailing her, she hears his thoughts and gives chase. Terry follows to assist her, following his tracks.
Tara freaks out when Lafayette takes her to a mental hospital, but its not to commit her as Tara at first believes. Lafayette brought her to see his mother, and he meets Jesus, one of his mother’s nurses. She claims that God killed Lafayette, but he keeps coming back. When she sees Tara she says that God killed her too, and Tara sadly replies almost.
Andy Bellefleur gives a press conference in regards to Marianne’s victims, when Jason pokes his head around. Andy attempts to chase Jason off.
Terry wants to contact Andy in regards to the man in the woods, but Sookie urges him not to. Terry gives her a gun, awkwardly telling her he’d miss her if she were dead.
Melinda tells Sam the circumstances of why she gave him up. Sam tells them that he had a good life till he was fifteen, when his parents abandoned him. She wasn’t sure he’d be a shifter since his father isn’t one, but she and Tommy are also shifters.
Tara finally sees why Lafayette brought her to see his mother. There is darkness in their family he says, but they can’t give up. He doesn’t want her to end up like his mother or hers. He threatens that if she pulls another stunt like that again she’ll be rooming next to Ruby Jean.
Sam attempts to bond with his brother, whose prickly as hell, thinking that Sam had a better life than he did. Sam doesn’t know how to deal with family anymore than he does. As they strip down to change, Sam sees all the scars that cover Tommy’s back. Sam changes into a collie, while Tommy changes into a pit bull.
Jessica calls to rent a chainsaw. As she gets Mr.Truckers wallet she sees a picture of him and a child, she pauses for a moment before spraying him with Lysol.
Russell, Talbot and Bill sit and dine. Russell invites him to become a Sherriff in his territory, but Bill knows there’s more to his kidnapping than just a job offer. Russell tells him that he plans to marry the Queen, though the Queen is currently resisting.
Andy receives a round of applause as the patrons of Merlotte’s sees the press conference. Jason’s a little upset about the attention Andy is receiving. Andy tries to lift Jason’s spirits.
Out on a run, Tommy nearly gets Sam hit by a car. Sam narrowly misses getting hit, as Tommy turns into a bird and flies away.
A mystery man enters the Compton house, riffling through Bill’s hidden papers, which contain clippings, pictures and a family tree all of Ms. Sookie Stackhouse. Sookie awaits in the dark, her gun drawn waiting for trouble, when Eric arrives. She tells Eric of the werewolf. Eric has another flashback of the time in Nazi Germany with  Godric and the pinned werewolf. He wants her master, and she says she’ll give him up for some of Eric’s blood. Godric urges Eric not to do it, but he does anyways. She tells him that her master is a vampire, and when she breaks free they kill her. Eric risks everything to tell Sookie all of this, he tells her to invite him so he can protect her, as he tantalizes her.
Russell reveals that Sophie Anne sent Bill to Bon Temps, he pauses too long before denying it. He claims he’s not privy to any information that could help Russell. But Russell balks, leading him to dangle Sookie’s wellbeing in front of Bill, which gets just the reaction Russell wanted.
Lafayette drags Tara to work with him. Terry confronts Arlene with reasons that she can trust him with her kids. As if we didn’t love Terry enough already. He continues to read to her, even as she runs back to the bathroom, vomiting.
A mystery guy tries to make small talk with Tara. He asks her for a tru blood, she asks if he’s a friend of Bill Compton, but he isn’t.
Jessica returns home with a chainsaw, but her body is gone.
Andy drives Jason home in a squad car, and he enjoys riding in the front seat too much. Andy gets a call sending them out to Hotshot, to bust a meth lab. Calvin Norris tries to distract them as others get away, and Jason spots a girl. He follows her into the bushes unable to take his eyes off her as she runs away.  And one of Calvin’s people run straight towards him. Jason tackles him, delighting in the fact he’s caught a criminal.
Tara sits alone drinking, as some drunks piss on the spot Eggs died. Tara starts a fight with them, and the vampire from inside comes to assist her.
Bill maintains that Sookie  has nothing to do with this. Talbot comments on how romantic it is, Lorena arrives maintaining its instead delusional. Outraged at her appearance Bill throws an oil lamp at her, lighting her up.
Eric taunts Sookie with words of matrimony. He continues to taunt her even as he tells her to invite him in, hearing something inside he forces her to invite him in. She does, and there’s a werewolf inside. Eric bares his fangs in preparation, and Sookie pulls the trigger.


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