In Review: Laughing Corpse 3: Executioner by Laurell K. Hamilton

Released: 6/9/10             120 pages
Publisher: Marvel
Format: Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0785136347

The third and final installment of the Laughing Corpse, this edition complies the last ten issues. While the action in the series is always heavy towards in Mrs. Hamilton’s series, Anita spends much of the comics getting kicked around.

I honestly cannot remember her getting her butt handed to her so often in the book, but she clearly does in the comic. It opens with her trading insults with Dominga, a bad voodun priestess. You’d think she could control herself maybe a little, but no not our Anita. Shortly after she’s attacked by a zombie, who she doesn’t put away in short order, she has to be saved with some guys with flamethrowers. So much for not being a damsel.

With Dominga’s little pet disposed of, there’s still Harold Gaynor to take care of, he’s in cahoots with Dominga, and at odds with Anita. But Anita will power through, or pull it out of a hat.

Anita does get some fighting done, but I don’t feel that this story translated as well into the comic format. Laurell K.Hamilton is really good at telling a story without it being weighed down with dialogue, but in this format the dialogue seems cheesy, and the story really too slow to keep the reader enthralled.

The artwork is consistent, but nothing spectacular. If nothing else, it seems as rushed as the story line was.


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