In Review: Devil's Playground by Jenna Black

Released: 3/23/10 384 pages
Publisher: Dell
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-0440244943

The demon war continues to rage, sucking Morgan Kinsey back into the fray. She's still possessed by the demon king, Lugh, who's not leaving any time soon, and when possessed humans start looking a little rough for the wear, as if the demons are pushing their hosts beyond the socially accepted norm, Morgan is asked to look into it. More demons than ever are flocking to the Seven Deadlies club, and owner Shae doesn't like it, especially if those hosts are societies rubbish, instead of the normal quality hosts. Something is fishy, which usually means the rebel leader Dougal is involved.

There is a lot of dialogue in this one, so much so that it slows the book down. Morgan's relationship with Brian gets strained further, as Lugh clarifies that he enjoys sharing Brian with Morgan, which seems a little change of events since before it seemed Lugh was very much interested in Morgan as well.

Overall the story seemed to be toned down. It lacked the tighter plotting of the previous books of this series. Morgan herself seemed watered down. She's a prickly character, that is actually the least likable of the bunch, she's tough, and she's opinionated, and stubborn, but this time all she seemed to be doing was making coffee.

The pacing was a little off, but the ending picked up speed. Many sub plots were tied up, as well as the major story arc. The epilogue at the end made the series seem to be at an end, even though there was much still left undone.


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