In Review: The Devil Inside by Jenna Black

Released: November 27, 2007                   336 pages
Publisher: Dell
Format: Paperback
ISBN-13: 978-0553590449

Black’s newest heroine, Morgan Kingsley may have the hard candy shell, but inside she’s all gooey naïve girl on the inside. She’s a bad ass professional exorcist, who just happens to be possessed by hottie Demon King, Lugh. Embarrassing, right? Well kinda, but she’s willing to get down and dirty with some demons to find out just who the heck put him there.
There is a ton going on in this world, where some humans happily host demons and the demons take advantage of their hosts, turning them into drooling vegetables when their done. Well, not all hosts get that sort of treatment, some are gentle, but the humans are giving up their lives so that their bodies can be heroes. And of course, the demon’s only want the pretty ones.
The Political intrigue is almost as fun as the group dynamics. Morgan even with all her shining hatred of demons, is a very likable character. She acts impulsively, but very realistically, especially as her world is turned upside down and dear friends turn out to be enemies, and enemies are her only allies. And as much as I like Morgan, I adore the sadistic Adam, who seems to have a cream center as well. He is the perfect balance of hard and soft.
There is the combination of mystery, action and sex, making this a fantastic start and an excellent read.


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