Dylan Bruce and Parisa Fitz-Henley on "Midnight, Texas" Romance, Drama, and Relevant Writing

Dylan Bruce and Parisa Fitz-Henley are no strangers to passionate fans of genre material. Bruce spent three seasons on the popular BBC America series Orphan Black while Fitz-Henley appeared as Luke Cage's wife Reva Connors on both Netflix-Marvel series Jessica Jones and Luke Cage.

Bruce is amused when it's pointed out to him that he has hopped from one character with a funny name ("Big Dick" Paul) to another ("Bobo"). "Bobo is actually derived from the French word 'beau' which is 'handsome' so I'll take it. There's worse things to be called."

Fitz-Henley is more than happy to join in at poking fun at Bruce. "I wish they could've gotten a handsome guy, though. That would've been helpful. They were like, 'He's such a good actor it doesn't matter that he's not that good-looking.'"

Of course they are more than professional enough to also introduce their characters. Bruce begins by introducing Bobo Winthrop. "He's the proprietor of the local pawn shop that's been there since the late 1800's. There's a lot of interesting relics in there. He comes to Midnight to escape a nefarious past that ends up catching up with him and jeopardising everything he's built in Midnight. He's a good guy but if you mess with his peeps he'll mess with you back."

I play Fiji Cavanugh," begins Fitz-Henley. "I'm a witch in the town. I didn't grow up there but I grew up with a relationship with the town. It's become my real home and I protect it as much as I can with whatever I can and I protect it's inhabitants however I can. This guy, Bobo, is Fiji's best friend and she's head over heels in love with him but for a very, very, very, very, very big reason she can't ever let him know."

"But Bobo's a dodo, he thinks she's out of his league so we got that going on. Fiji's out of everyone's league, man. She's in a world of her own," beams Bruce.

"You see our friendship develop and go through the ups and downs that a friendship goes through but in Charlaine Harris land, those ups and downs are pretty intense," says Fitz-Henley.

The show offers not only a diverse cast bringing to life romance, action, and all the supernatural goodness one would expect from a Charlaine Harris property adapted for live-action. It also brings social commentary that relates a world of fantasy to the world of the viewers.

"I think it's really important in this day and age to have that," says Bruce. "I'm glad we have our little things that we add in there that people will catch onto. It's all about togetherness though."

Fitz-Henley was amazed at just how much the show's writing related to socially relevant issues, even before certain topics became as big in the news and social discourse. "I saw things that were reflected in the society around us after we shot them, where I was like, 'Wait, where did you get that from?' Because it's in the news today and we're shooting it today so you wrote it months ago. I feel like our writing team is so on point and so cares about what's happening in the world that you see it come through in what we do."

Bruce gets exposed for being a bit of an overachiever in his extensive preparation for the role. Sarah Ramos, who plays Creek on the series, had claimed in an earlier interview that Bruce finished reading all three of the books of the series in one day. "I don't think it was one day," says a bashful Bruce.

Fitz-Henley is quick to chime in on the matter. "How did you know he was an overachiever? He is!"

"Not only the Midnight books, Bobo's in a different series called the Lily Bard series and I read those as well," continues Bruce.

"And then he read all the books that his character reads," adds Fitz-Henley.

"Yeah, I did cause he likes Jack Reacher. I like to read!" admits Bruce.

Fitz-Henley may not be as voracious a reader as Bruce but she had her own back-knowledge that further incentivised her to joining Midnight, Texas. "I wasn't as familiar with Charlaine Harris' writing as I was with Monica Breen's work. I'm huge into Lost, huge into Fringe, so when I saw she was doing this, I was just like, 'Oh my god! This is crazy! I really want to work with her!' I just had this every strong, intuitive feeling that this was the right project for me."

Watch our interview with Dylan Bruce and Parisa Fitz-Henley here:


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