Ace Wilder "Stupid" Review

Swed-pop-rebel Ace Wilder has returned with another slamming track, "Stupid," that combines lyrical mischievousness, a dancey hook, and Ace's signature laid-back but no less committed vocal delivery. Though the song makes use of instrumentation and percussion clearly influenced from South Asia, it still maintains Ace's flavour that won her so many fans since she burst onto a wider scene in Melodifestivalen 2014. There's a youthful exuberance to Ace's singles without isolating a wider demographic. This zest for life that is often a running theme in her music is one that can appeal to anyone, given the right outlook. Stupid may be as stupid does, but Ace is one smart songwriter. This pop gem should be added in to any 'adventure-seeking' playlist!

Check out Ace Wilder's "Stupid" here:


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