"Teen Wolf" SDCC 2015 MuseLed Interviews

Teen Wolf is more successful than ever and is a staple of the San Diego Comic Con scene. The show's top-billed star, Tyler Posey, has been upped to the position of that of a producer with this latest season. Posey needed to be reminded of just what was the latest plot points to air on the show but once he was reminded of Tracey's death and the gang's pursuit of the Dread Doctors, he jumped right in to discussing Scott being at a low-point we've never seen him at before. He may reach a point where he thinks it would be in everyone else's best interest if he died, and playing this level of darkness was great fun for Posey to play. He speaks of Kira as being Scott's best support system but warns that wolves and foxes don't mix, so there will be trouble ahead for the happy couple as the season progresses. He also notes that the tension between Scott and Stiles is very interesting to play since it's the essence of acting, as he and Dylan O'Brien get along tremendously well. He says that Scott's trusting nature is the reason for his willingness to include Theo, but we'll have to wait and see to watch how that will play out and what exactly Theo's plan is.

"Scott's really getting concerned with these deaths and he's really staring to take it to heart. He's going to try to actively do something about this and try to stop these deaths and beat the Dread Doctors. But they're always nine steps ahead of him and this time, he has no idea what to do." ~ Tyler Posey, on what's happening with Scott on season 5 of Teen Wolf

Cody Christian is a new-comer to the show and this was also his first San Diego Comic Con. He shares how he was very nervous going into the panel and his heart was racing for the hour that the panel went on for but raves about the energy one feels in the convention centre. He teases that perhaps the seemingly nicest people are the worst ones in character but remains tight-lipped to not give away more of the plot and motivation of Theo, as the mystery is essential to the experience of playing it out. He also raves about the cast and crew of the show and that Tyler Posey's energy is infectious and that both Tyler Posey and Dylan O'Brien have made the show what it is. He says that the tension between Theo and Stiles isn't going anywhere, and will only escalate further, despite Theo doing everything to prove his worth to earn a spot in Scott's pack. He even describes it as being something that will shock viewers.

"Theo's a badass, and I love being able to play a badass." ~ Cody Christian, on his Teen Wolf character

Dylan Sprayberry may have a full season of Teen Wolf under his belt but he still feels like a new-comer despite not being treated like one. But he raves about getting the sensation of goosebumps at hearing the roar of the crowd. Sprayberry likens Mason to a mini-Stiles but notes that he has a lot to contribute to the group dynamic now that he is in the know regarding the supernatural ongoings of Beacon Hills. He also adds that Liam doesn't trust Theo, but teases that there may be more to see of the conflict between those two characters as the season carries on.

"Towards the beginning of the season, there's a lot more comedy, especially with Mason and Liam. There will be a lot more of that dynamic, which is really fun. There's also going to be a bit more tension between me and Scott." ~ Dylan Sprayberry, on what to expect for Liam in season 5 of Teen Wolf

Executive producer and Teen Wolf show-runner Jeff Davis says that it's confusing talking about season 5A since they're currently in the process of plotting out season 5B. He says he's thrilled with how this season's villains have turned out both conceptually and visually.

"You learn a lot more about The Doctors in episode 5. The man with the knowledge is the man with the third eye." ~ Jeff Davis, on when we'll learn more about this season's villains, The Doctors

Davis says that The Doctors were inspired by steampunk and that he loves finding the place where science meets the supernatural. He says that this season will play a lot with timelines and cites LOST as a source of inspiration but jokes that they're a good show to steal from.

"We asked the question in the writers room which was 'How do we test our characters?' The best drama comes from making your characters suffer. So we thought hitting Scott and Stiles' relationship hard would be a good source of drama." ~ Jeff Davis on the impending rift in Scott and Stiles' relationship

Teen Wolf airs on Mondays on MTV at 10PM.


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