Walking Dead Recap S1E3: Tell It to the Frogs

The episode opens on Merle, still in the predicament he was left in the previous episode. He’s still handcuffed on the roof, surrounded by dead held back by a single chain. It’s a tough situation, but there’s hope he’s gonna make it, just not in one piece, as he eyes a hand saw.
Rick was finally reunited with his family, which a bit of a surprise for Lori. She thought he was dead, which leads her to question a little what’s been happening with Shane.
But for the moment it’s a very happy reunion, until Rick and the others return to the city to retrieve the guns that had to be left behind. The camp is going to need them if they’re going to survive. And there’s also Merle. The camp is actually looking to save him. Plus, Rick wants to warn Morgan and Duane that Atlanta is not safe. So Glenn, Rick and Merle’s brother Daryl head to Atlanta.
Back at camp, Lori gives Shane the cold shoulder, for his horrible lie. It’s left pretty open how the lie was delivered, but there’s no doubt that the little love affair they had is definitely over.
It’s wash day at camp, and that task falls to the women. Ed sits around smoking, Shane and Carl frog hunting, as the women wash everyone’s clothes. The women laughed and bonded over missing vibrators and other luxuries, seemed to anger Ed. He lashed out at the group and proceeded to beat his wife in front of them.
And Shane came to the rescue, using Ed’s outburst as the perfect reason to take out his frustrations all over Ed’s face. Everyone’s emotions are running high, with the possibility of being a zombie’s lunch likely at any moment.  When a zombie falls upon their venison dinner, again we see an unnecessary overkill of emotion as the guys mangle the zombie.
And, the zombie coming so close to camp leads to further problems. The camp is no longer safe, it’s only a matter of time before more zombies show up. Shane is acting as leader at the moment, but he’s not thinking clearly. He wants to stay, but it’s almost as if it’s just to make a point, not because he truly believes it to be the right decision.


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