True Blood Recap: Everything is Broken

Eric comes tells Pam that they need sanctuary, but before they can go Ginger tells them that the V feds are there. The AVL silvers Eric.
Russell comes to find Talbot’s remains all over his office and sees that the Viking crown is missing.
Sookie washes away the blood, and Bill joins her, healing her wounds. Downstairs, she sees the wolf that Bill killed. They work together to dispose of him. Bill tells her to trust him, and she pauses, saying she does. She reveals she knows about the secret file, and Bill says he did it to find out what she is to protect her, but she makes it clear that she’s not an object to be protected.
Lafayette lets Jesus get closer, and doesn’t kick him out. They talk about Jesus’s tattoo.
Jason returns home and Felton is there with Crystal. Felton confronts Crystal, believing that Jason raped and kidnapped Crystal. When he attacks Jason, Crystal knocks Felton out. She takes his V stash as Jason finds rope.
Nan says that the basement is too clean, and implies she knows more than she is letting one. She claims to just want his official statement about the last known whereabouts of the Magister.
Sam sits with Tara, urging her to talk. Terry calls about Tommy making too much noise. He leaves Tara there alone while he goes to break up Tommy’s fun.
Eric gives the Authority a history lesson on the devastation that the werewolves fueled by vampire blood path of destruction. He tells how Russell is against the Great Revelation. Nan tells him that these are treasonous allegations. Why didn’t he report them? Eric tells of his family’s massacre and how he wishes to avenge them himself. Nan leaves, telling Eric about Russell’s recent donation, and put him on lockdown until the Authority makes a ruling.
Sam heads over to Tommy’s, where the music is loud, and Tommy and a girl are naked. Tommy’s rebelling against him, as Sam tries to reason with him.
Crystal ties Felton up on the side of the road. As Jason makes a emergency call.
Jesus plans to take Ruby back. She tells him that something is different about Lafayette, she can see her son shining through. She says maybe God loves fags.
Jason brings Crystal with him to the police station, Rosie is upset. Andy says that Kevin was injured taking a distress call, the one that Jason took. The Runner sees Crystal as he’s taken away for arraignment. Jason tells Andy that the meth lab in Hotshot is now dealing V. Andy plans a mass raid on Hotshot, and the V from taken off Felton is revealed to be in Andy’s desk drawer.
 Tara goes to a rape survivor support group and Holly is there too. Holly tells her horrific story, and how she’s coping now.
Sookie looks at old newspaper articles about her family, when she gets a call from Hadley. Hadley asks her to come to the aquarium to meet her son, Hunter. Hadley tells Sookie about Sophie Anne, and her confidences she made to her. Hadley suspects that her son is like Sookie, and she takes him aside to talk mind to mind with him. She confirms to Hadley’s horror that he too is a telepath.
Arlene confronts Tommy about missing tips, and Tommy turns defensive and insults Arlene. Sam tells Tommy that he’s taking it out of his salary, and Tommy accuses Sam of being too soft. Holly goes to comfort Arlene, and she tells her of her fears, and how the baby isn’t Terry’s. Holly tells her that she can help her get rid of her problem, without an abortion.
Bill wakes to water dripping in on his sleeping space. He opens the door to that bright, soft edge world Sookie was in during her hospital stay. Claudine is there, believing that Bill killed Sookie, she runs. Bill tackles her, unable to resist the urge of feeding on her, Claudine zaps him. Bill says that he would never harm Sookie, and Claudine says that she will protect Sookie. He asks what she is.
Pam awakens, and Eric did not sleep at all. Pam worries about Eric, he never said anything about his family in all his years, he never shared his pain with her, and it saddens her. He tells her that everything ends. That if he can’t go on, she must make a new vampire, its her time to be a maker. Pam breaks down in tears.
Jessica is extra happy till she sees Hoyt with Summer. Jessica is a little upset that Hoyt brought Summer, and when Summer goes to shake her hand Jessica embarrasses herself by dropping fang. Summer makes horrible assumptions about vampires, and what Hoyt wants. Crystal worries how the runner, Tbag views her. Jason tells him about the plans for Hotshot, and Crystal wants to warn them, because they’re not all bad. Jesus comes haunting around Merlotte’s.
Jessica is extra happy till she sees Hoyt with Summer. Jessica is a little upset that Hoyt brought Summer, and when Summer goes to shake her hand Jessica embarrasses herself by dropping fang. Summer makes horrible assumptions about vampires, and what Hoyt wants. Crystal worries how the runner, Tbag views her. Jason tells him about the plans for Hotshot, and Crystal wants to warn them, because they’re not all bad. Jesus comes haunting around Merlotte’s again. Tara is suspicious, but she’s happy for Lafayette. When Summer leaves the table, Jessica comes to apologize, but Hoyt tells her she doesn’t need to apologize. Hoyt admits that he hates Summer, and that she’s making him crazy, but it beats sitting around thinking about Jessica. Jessica starts crying and Tommy takes her away.
At Fangtasia, the AVL surround the building as Russell watches from a nearby rooftop taking to a jarred Talbot. He tells the jar that the AVL will suffer for protecting his murderer. Nan has come to read him the ruling. The Authority is going to claim they have no knowledge of any of this and that Eric will take care of everything on his own. Nan wants Russell’s fangs.
Calvin comes into Merlotte’s to collect Crystal. Jason stops him, and when Sam comes to stop the trouble, Calvin calls him a pussy and Sam loses it, giving Calvin a good beating before Hoyt and Jason finally stop him. Jesus takes Calvin to the hospital, and Crystal goes with them even as Jason tries to stop her.
Franklin grabs Tara in the parking lot. She tells Franklin that she does not love her. Franklin is upset that she never mourned him. Tara tells him that he never loved her, and Franklin drops fang. Tara taunts him to kill her, and it saddens Franklin. Jason pulls his shotgun on Franklin, and Franklin mocks Jason’s gun. Jason shoots him with a wooden bullet, effectively staking him.
Bill comes to Sookie’s. She asks him about Sophie Ann and Russell’s plans. He tells Sookie that he knows what she is.
Nan is in her limo and she feeds on a  human, with the TV playing in the background. Russell pops in on the news, ripping the newcaster’s spine. He introduces himself, and proves that he is not like the humans like the AVL want to claim they are. He’s angered about all the damage that humans have done for simple luxuries, and shows what vampires are really like. Vampires don’t want equal rights, humans are not equals. He says “We will eat you, after we eat your children. Now for the weather, Tiffany.”


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