Comic Con Day 3: Random Sightings

Comic Con isn't all about the lines, there is plenty to see and do that require little waiting.

Some celebrities are there for things other than what you may know them from. Michael Mcmillian, whom many may recognize as Rev. Steve Newland from True Blood, was on hand signing for his new comic Lucid. If you haven't seen his work pick up a copy the plotting, the sequencing, the illustrating is all amazing.

And there are the crazy displays. There are life size models made of Legos, large set pieces, some of which you can touch and and get inside of, and others that you cannot. Vendors are everywhere selling everything and anything that makes your little geek heart go pitter patter, except there are few places to find food.


And of course, there is cosplay, tons and tons of cosplay, each and everyday of the convention.

And comic con isn't just about comics, and movies, there are plenty of publishers there introducing new authors, and authors with fanatic fanbases, like Sherrilyn Kenyon and Charlaine Harris.

And of course there are the stars, you'll see walking about, going to and from panels and signing. Everyone from the cast of the upcoming Green Lantern, to V, even the Vampire Diaries. Check out more pictures at out Flickr Album!


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